Interop Forms Toolkit
Table of Contents

The Microsoft Interop Forms Toolkit is aimed at simplifying the use of .NET Windows Forms within a Visual Basic 6.0 forms application.  The toolkit is targeted specifically at providing tools and guidance for performing a phased migration of a Visual Basic 6.0 forms-based application to Visual Basic .NET.  The goal of a phased migration is a production release at the end of each phase that has both Visual Basic 6.0 and .NET forms running in the same Visual Basic 6.0 .exe process. 

Table of Contents
Getting Started Introduction to the Interop Forms Toolkit
Structuring the Migration Process
The Development Experience
The InteropForm Toolkit Architecture
Creating and Working with InteropForms
Hybrid Application Deployment
InteropUserControls Overview
Walkthrough Creating and Consuming an Interop User Control
Deploying Interop User Controls
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How To's Form Tasks
How To Create a Form Method
How To Create a Form Property
How To Create a Form Event
How To Create an Initialize Method
How To Instantiate an InteropForm
How To Call an InteropForm Intialize Method
How To Raise an Application-Level Event
How To Handle an InteropForm Event
How To Generate InteropForm Wrapper Classes

UserControl Tasks
How To Create an Interop User Control
How to Work With Interop User Control Events

Application-level Tasks
How To Raise an Application-Level Event
How To Share Application State in a Hybrid Applications

Development Environment Tasks
How To Generate InteropForm Wrapper Classes.html
How To Configure a .NET InteropForm Project.html
How To Debug a Hybrid Applications
How To Deploy A Hybrid Application
Samples Sample Applications Overview
Sample: Hello World Hybrid Application
Sample: Line of Business Hybrid Application
Sample: Word Processor
Support Support & Additional Resources
Reference Reference Index