Interop Forms Toolkit

The Word Processor Hybrid sample application uses multiple Interop UserControls and an InteropForm to enhance a Visual Basic 6.0 application.  The controls are used to add a MenuStrip, ToolStrip, and StatusBar to a Visual Basic 6.0 form. 

     Note:  In order to run the Visual Basic 6.0 sample application, you must first open the Visual Studio .NET solution and build it.

The EventMessenger class is used to handle application-level events, and the InteropToolbox is used to pass Global variables back and forth to .NET.  The sample also contains a RegFree COM manifest called WordProcessor.exe.manifest.

  The application consists of the following projects:

The code can be accessed from the Start Menu under Microsoft Visual Basic Power Packs | Interop Forms Toolkit 2.1 | Sample Applications